Sample of OPTIONS keyphrase for SRE-FILTER

This document, along with SAMPOPT2.HTM, demonstrates the use of the OPTIONS keyphrase for passing link information between documents -- a potentially useful trick if there are multiple pathways to a support document (such as an index), and you want to know how your got there.

Returning from: , called by .

Section 1

Let's pretend there is something useful here. How about the first law of computer programming?

The amount of time it takes to finish a software development project is always 4x greater then originally predicted.

Despite continual reminders of the correctness of this assertion, it seems to lack some potency.

So, of course, there is a corrollary to this law:

When all is said and done, the amount of time to complete a software development project is always greater then expected, even when the first law is taken into account.

Section 2

Here are some older world series results